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Wake To The Splendor Of Living

Thai Massage tutorials and tips.

This article was provided by Massage Therapy.

Inspiration//Massage Therapy Center//December 25, 2019

svg%3E Thai Massage GreenockAmaryllis blog Thai Massage Greenock

Perhaps for a moment,

the wheels will stop rolling,

the computers will go dark,

and a hush will fall over the world.

For an instant, in the stillness,

the chiming of the celestial spheres

will be heard as Earth hangs

poised in the crystalline darkness,

and then gracefully tilts.

Let there be a season

when holiness is heard,

and the splendor of living is revealed.

Let this be the time we wake to life,

like Spring wakes,

in the moment of Winter Christmas Solstice.

~ Rebecca Parker

All of us at Massage Therapy Center Palo Alto

wish you Peace & Joy throughout this holiday season!

artwork by Annette Miracchi

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