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Weekly Link Love — Edition 51

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This article was provided by Mark’s Daily Apple, which is the go-to destination to learn how to lead a healthy Primal life in this hectic modern world. I find their posts usually offer some interesting opinions and useful trips and advice

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Research of the Week

Manure from cows given antibiotics makes for substandard soil.

Bonobos are bigger meat eaters than we thought.

The Neolithic revolution was more about private property than productivity.

Night owls have worse blood lipids.

For psychiatric symptoms of dementia, non-pharmacologic therapies work better.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

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Episode 382: Dr. Robert Zembroski: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr. Robert Zembroski, a world-renowned expert in functional medicine and chiropractic neurology and creator of a unique way to enhance conventional cancer treatments.

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Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 30: Laura and Erin chat with Emily Schromm, a serial fitness entrepreneur with a lot of things going on—brick and mortar gym, online courses, and physical products.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Media, Schmedia

Dutch farmers take to the streets.

Baby food, now with lead and arsenic!

Interesting Blog Posts

Why ketogenic diets as clinically practiced are unhelpful for mitochondrial diseases.

Are Nike’s superfast running shoes a problem?

Social Notes

I recently participated in Dr. Bill Schindler’s Modern Stone Age Diet online summit and had a great time. Check out talks from me, Robb Wolf, and dozens more.

Gorgeous and majestic.

Everything Else

Why does flu peak in winter?

The rush to harvest organs is affecting death investigations.

Even though some residents left city limits to buy cheaper soda, a soda tax in Philadelphia reduced overall soda consumption.

Pigs are using tools.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Video I enjoyed: Sioux chef.

Another video I enjoyed (well, sorta): Why seed oils are so harmful.

I’d try it: Bog butter.

I’m not surprised: Persistent low-grade inflammation is a common feature of depression.

Ancient humans didn’t mess around: Not only were we utilizing brain tissue and bone marrow, we were processing and consuming “dental pulp.”

Question I’m Asking

With Google stopping development of its glucose-monitoring lens and all the other failures and dubious advancements, tech is realizing that biology’s a hard nut to crack. Do you think technology will ever figure out human biology and vault us into sci-fi territory?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Oct 12 – Oct 18)

  • Why “Is It Keto?” Is the Wrong Question – It’s not the point.
  • Dear Mark: Omega-6 Deficiency and Saw Palmetto – A couple questions.

Comment of the Week

“Hey Mark,
You’re usually way out in front but my 13-year-old son actually beat you to it this time. He, like most his age, is an avid Youtube watcher and has recently gotten into watching the ways of searing the perfect steak.

He’s been hammering me to get a cast iron skillet. Lol.
If it were up to him we’d eat steak every night.

Gotta say, of the obsessions I’d want my 13-year-old son to have, the perfect sear on a Steak works for me!”

– Now that’s awesome, Joel.

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The post Weekly Link Love — Edition 51 appeared first on Mark’s Daily Apple.

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