How to Get Rid of a Migraine With Massage for Headaches


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Getting a massage for your headache is one of the best natural headache treatments there is. And odds are, you could use some headache relief every now and then, since research shows nearly everyone has an occasional headache.

Which Type of Headache do You Have?

Believe it or not, there are three different categories of headaches and six different individual types within those categories. They range from common and benign to potentially serious.

Tension-Type Headaches: Tension-type headaches (TTH) are the most common of all headaches. Though their exact cause is still unknown, TTH are typically characterized by recurring feelings of tightening or pressure in the head that lasts from minutes to weeks. Tension-type headaches are often mistaken for migraines, although the two present very differently.

Vascular Headaches: The umbrella of vascular headaches includes four different subtypes of headaches, including cluster, sinus, and migraine headaches. Migraines are intense headaches on one or both sides of the head, usually accompanied by nausea, and light or sound sensitivity. They may also be preceded by an “aura,” a visual disturbance which may appear as shimmering lights, fractal lines, or stars. Migraines are up to 3 times more common in women than in men, due to hormonal differences.

Traction-Inflammatory Headaches: This type of headache is rare but can be serious, with a wide range of possible causes. In this case, the headache is serving as the canary in the coal mine, sounding the alarm about a more serious issue within the body. This type of headache should be treated by your healthcare provider as soon as possible to rule out potentially serious causes.

Natural Relief for Migraine & Tension Headaches

Massage therapy has proven to be an effective measure for reducing both chronic migraines and tension headaches. Research shows that professional therapeutic massage can decrease pain, tension, duration, intensity, and frequency of headaches. Massage also eases the muscle tension in the neck, jaw, and shoulders, which can cause headaches in the first place.

Studies have shown that massage reduces the frequency of migraines and even reduced pain in the midst of an active migraine. Scalp massage show particular promise for reducing migraine pain. And when you can barely bring yourself to leave your darkened room, scheduling an in-home massage may be a lifesaver when the alternative is navigating through brightly lit traffic to find some relief.

For sufferers of tension headaches, massage may not only prevent them but also reduce their frequency. One study found that even just 30 minutes of massage showed significant physical and psychological improvements.

Do You Suffer from Regular Headaches?

If you’re living with headaches, a regular massage should be part of your self-care routine. It’s easier and more affordable than ever with Zeel’s Massage Membership. With flexible options, you’ll enjoy up to 33% off regular rates, rollover credits that never expire, and most importantly, the comfort of knowing you’ll have a therapeutic massage waiting for you every month.

Find Out About Massage Memberships

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“description”: “Today we’re going to break down all the common headache types, explain the various natural treatments, and wrap things up with an explanation of why massage works so well for headaches.”,
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“articleBody”: “Getting a massage for your headache is one of the best natural headache treatments there is.
And odds are, you could use some headache relief every now and then, since research shows nearly everyone has an occasional headache.
Today we’re going to break down all the common headache types, explain the various natural treatments, and wrap things up with an explanation of why massage works so well for headaches.
A Holistic Treatment For Tension Headaches
Massage is also good news for people who have chronic tension headaches. Studies show that massage may not only prevent tension headaches but also reduce their frequency. Some tension headaches are brought on by muscles which are chronically contracted, creating points within the muscles where oxygenated blood can’t flow through as freely. Because massage therapy techniques work to increase fresh blood flow to areas that need it, it may reduce pain in those areas that are throbbing due to chronic contraction.
One study found that for participants with tension headaches, even just 30 minutes of massage showed significant physical and psychological improvements, including their perception of pain.
Self Care Is Crucial For Reducing Headaches
As you seek non-pharmacologic treatments for your headaches, be sure to keep your own self-care in mind. In addition to professional massage, regular exercise, meditation, and certain supplements are other proven holistic headache relievers.
Try to ward off a nasty headache before it gets too bad by scheduling a massage as soon as you notice it coming on. You can even ask your massage therapist for some self-massage techniques you can use in the future while you’re trying to get rid of a headache at home. Remember, stress and poor sleep are indicators for migraines and other chronic headaches, so be sure to take good care of your body and avoid stress in addition to getting your regular massage. Of course, using Zeel’s app gives you the freedom to have a professional massage therapist help you find relief within the comfort of your own home, no bright lights or loud noises necessary.”

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“text”: “nTension-Type Headaches: Tension-type headaches (TTH) are the most common of all headaches. Though their exact cause is still unknown, TTH are typically characterized by recurring feelings of tightening or pressure in the head that lasts from minutes to weeks. Tension-type headaches are often mistaken for migraines, although the two present very differently.n Vascular Headaches: The umbrella of vascular headaches includes four different subtypes of headaches, including cluster, sinus, and migraine headaches. Migraines are intense headaches on one or both sides of the head, usually accompanied by nausea, and light or sound sensitivity. They may also be preceded by an “aura,” a visual disturbance which may appear as shimmering lights, fractal lines, or stars. Migraines are up to 3 times more common in women than in men, due to hormonal differences.n Traction-Inflammatory Headaches: This type of headache is rare but can be serious, with a wide range of possible causes. In this case, the headache is serving as the canary in the coal mine, sounding the alarm about a more serious issue within the body. This type of headache should be treated by your healthcare provider as soon as possible to rule out potentially serious causes.n”

The post How to Get Rid of a Migraine With Massage for Headaches appeared first on Zeel.



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